
Brandfield optimizes retargeting performance with custom dynamic ads

Conversion rate increase
More conversions
reduced CPAs
Lower CPA

Brandfield is a fast-growing digital native fashion retailer expanding its business to include brick-and-mortar locations. Their collection offers accessories from more than 170 brands including bags, watches, and jewelry, for men and women. With more than 200,000 orders annually, the company has a steadily growing customer base all over the world.

100+ employees

About Brandfield


As specialists in style items that complete outfits, Brandfield sets their digital advertising apart by tailoring each moment of the shopping experience with care, from in-store impressions to digital ads.



The challenge


The strong brand presence Brandfield already has means their current focus is on maximizing conversions. And for that, dynamic retargeting through Google Ads is one of the crucial elements of their strategy. By targeting people who have visited their online store with personalized ads, their aim is to bring lost customers back into the Brandfield shopping experience - this time to leave with a purchase.


Brandfield’s challenge was to optimize the dynamic ads in their retargeting campaigns in line with their business goals, all the while staying true to their brand experience. They wanted to see whether they could leverage their strong brand presence to get the most out of their dynamic retargeting campaigns.


They were in between two choices: using Google’s standard, unbranded template for their retargeting; or, using a custom branded template that would utilize their strong brand presence


By using Google’s template they would save on design and development costs but that would mean giving up control in terms of ad creatives. Branded ads would no-doubt look better, but creating them would mean involving multiple people from marketing, design, and development teams and cost them valuable resources. With this dilemma in mind, they wanted to know if the costs of creating branded ads would be worth the resources and give them higher conversion rates and lower CPA.


Testing to find the answer, however, would require the very same valuable resources they didn’t want to waste since they would still need to create the ads to be tested. So their challenge was twofold:


1) Boost conversions with retargeting while keeping the CPA as low as possible.


2) Test if branded ads would perform better than Google’s standard templates in reaching this goal, without using up valuable company resources.


Brandfield GDN display ad

Brandfield easily added branding and persuasion elements, like free shipping, to their display ads using Bannerwise.


The solution


The solution to Brandfield’s dilemma was to use Bannerwise’s Creative Management Platform to create branded ads. They were able to create on-brand dynamic ads without using any extra resources.  


This way they could test the behavior of customers who have previously visited their website and decide if on-brand dynamic ads would help them reach their retargeting campaign goals.


To test whether this strategy would prove valuable for the brand, they’ve decided to run a split test with two ad sets:  One with the standard non-branded template provided by Google and one with a custom branded template in line with their marketing strategy


Did branded ads get more of Brandfield's lost customers to return and make a purchase? And was their campaign's CPA low enough to make branded dynamic retargeting the optimal strategy for their business goals? 




Brandfield replaced their generic-looking retargeting ads with branded ones that include persuasion elements.


The result


When they compared the results of branded ads created with Bannerwise and ads created with the standard template, they found that ads created with Bannerwise increased conversions by 11% and lowered the CPA by 47%. And as an added perk, the marketing team didn’t need to ask for design nor development help and waste valuable time in the creation process. 


By testing their branded ads against standard templates the majority of e-commerce companies use, Brandfield discovered that having a coherent experience across all channels, including dynamic ads, makes more customers return and leave with a purchase.


In the simplest of terms, by making custom dynamic ads with Bannerwise, Brandfield was able to convert more visitors, spend less money on acquisition, and optimize their workflow.