Advertising professionals, it's time to make remote work a lot easier

Remote work is taking flight. In 2019, the Office for National Statistics in the UK estimated that by this year, 50 percent of all employees around the world would be working remotely.

Due to the worldwide outbreak of COVID-19, this number increased rapidly. According to a CNBC All America Survey, 42% of U.S. workers who did not telecommute previously are doing so now. When done right, working remotely offers us a lot of benefits. It can lead to a greater job satisfaction for employees, and on the employer side to cost savings.

According to Merchant Savvy’s Global Remote Work Index, 80% of remote workers are happy with their job – compared to just 55% of on-site workers. Aside from that, working from home could lead to $11K average annual company savings for each employee allowed to work remotely for half the time.


Complete tech stack 

Laptops, smartphones and a widely available internet connection support this change. Today, the average marketer has a stack containing 17 tools and solutions. They use communication software such as Microsoft Teams, Slack and Zoom, and project management tools such as Basecamp, Trello and Asana. But when you are a digital advertising professional, and you want to succeed in working remotely, you could also benefit from a solution that improves your ad production process as a whole. 

ad stack (1)

As you may know, digital advertising is teamwork. By adding a Creative Management Platform (CMP) to your tech stack, you can make this process a lot easier. Its core task is to empower users in effortlessly creating more, relevant and better performing digital ads. Similar to other SaaS tools, all CMPs are designed for improving the workflow, whether it’s between in-house advertising teams or between an advertiser and an agency. Basically, leveraging remote work is in their DNA.


There are many benefits for using a CMP, but in short, it supports remote work on three key levels:

1. Accessibility

A CMP is cloud-based, so not a desktop application. This means everyone has access, wherever they are. At the same time, brand assets can be stored in an assigned brand library, so the right logos and fonts are always within reach. This leads to more brand consistency along the way.

2. Sharing and feedbacking

Using a CMP also allows designers to share their creatives with team members and clients. With an easily generated preview page, the need for uploading ads, opening .zip files and adding previews to FTP servers becomes obsolete. This saves a lot of time, and money.

3. Collaborating easily

A CMP lets you assign user roles and permissions to specific team members. For example, you can have designers create templates with the right logo, colors and fonts. By assigning permissions to other team members involved, so you prevent unwanted changes from being made. This streamlines your workflow and makes sure you’ll always stay on brand. 


Accelerate your workflow 

So even though the current worldwide situation forces us to work from home more than we’d normally do, we believe remote work is here to stay. Not in the least because once remote working policies are rolled out, their benefits are hard to reverse.


Post-corona we will see two types of organizations: the ones that go back to how it was before - due to the fact they couldn’t adopt working remotely fast enough - and the ones that keep working remotely (to a greater or lesser extent). The latter type of organizations will offer more flexible working arrangements and successfully use digital solutions in their daily operations, all because they implemented a workable tech stack on time.


When it comes to remotely producing digital ads, a CMP really does the trick. If you feel you could benefit from using such a solution, now and post-corona, learn more about using Bannerwise. It will accelerate your workflow when it comes to producing digital ads, and keep your team happy while doing so – inside and outside the office. 


If you want to take a deep dive into the benefits of using a CMP, download our eBook 'A CMP, what’s in it for me?' This will help you in making a well-advised decision.
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